07 November 2008

Late spring evenings...

...are a fantastic time to be outside enjoying our fine city.

Keep having fun everyone!

Noodles for beginners

OK, there seems to be some interest in team Mi Goreng (not to be confused with Chinese emperor Nasi Goreng), so here is a beginners guide to enjoying Mi Goreng noodles.

Step 1.
Add water to a saucepan, bring to boil

Step 2
Open a packet of Mi Goreng noodles, and take out the sauce and flavouring pouches.

Step 3

If you are really hungry you can have more than one serving of delicious Mi Goreng noodles at a time.

Place the noodles into the water, and discard the packaging responsibly.

Step 4

Pour the dry flavourings into a bowl

Step 6

Add the liquid oils and flavours to the bowl with the dry flavours. Beginners beware, Mi Goreng chilli sauce is quite hot.

Step 7

Mix the flavourings together.

Step 8
Once the noodles have been boiling for a minute or so, give them a stir to make sure they are soft and ready to eat. Then carefully drain the excess water from the noodles and add the noodles to the bowl with the sauces.

Step 9

Stir the sauce through the noodles

Step 10

Best enjoyed with chopsticks. Hooray!!!

06 November 2008

Feeling fitter

A spectacular sunset seen from the bridge at UQ. Thank god we finally have the bike side to ourselves again.

Hey! All this high threshold track riding i have been doing lately seems to be making me fitter. Went for a quick hour on the roadie this evening with Rishy, needed to get away from study for a bit, and felt really good. Legs had plenty of snap crackle and pop, and i felt like attacking every little hill i came to. Might have to find a quick hour on the weekend to go and attack mt gravatt a few times. Uni has been chewing up all the enthusiasm lately, but not long to go now.

Speaking of uni, Mi Goreng noodles are the ultimate student food, 50cents a packet, taste good, and with two slices of bread make for a great snack. All you kids out there finishing school and moving out to share accomodation with your uni mates, remember, a loaf of bread on special for a dollar, and five pack of noodles for two fifty, and a box of goon will see you through till payday, most of the time. And goon sacks can be inflated and used as pillows when you forget where you live, hooray!! Good luck to all of you finishing school and heading out into the big wide world, be responsible (or at least have one sober person in the group to talk you out of the stuff that will get you killed), don't take drugs, and above all have fun!! (and you won't be able to outdrink your old uncle hillbilly so don't even try declan)

03 November 2008

Happy Birthday to me!!

With birthdays come thoughtful presents. One ear in makes for a very pleasant ride, lots of training to be done with music to keep me company. Hooray!!

Also, growing a movember mo to go with the chops. This one will go to 11!

02 November 2008

That winning feeling!

I actually won a race today! A 15 lap points race at chandler. I like this track game, great pain but good fun. Logan cycling club had a track racing this morning, a great way to spend ten bucks and hurt your legs. Surprisingly not a massive crowd, considering it was a cheap and high quality event. If you like track, definitely get out to one of these sunday morning events (not on next week due to the strongman champs, but back on the week after that, check logan cycling website). Because i have not really done a lot of this i didn't know where i should be graded, since there was only a small field they threw me in with a grade for the first race, a 20 lap scratch race. i was blown out the back by about half distance, gearing too light, couldn't spin fast enough to keep up with the fast experienced guys. The organisers dropped me back into b grade for the next couple of races, probably a good call.

Next up was something i had not done before, Keiran racing. paced behind a motorbike for 4.5 laps, then the bike pulls off and its a one and a half lap sprint to the line. messed up, was sitting in fourth wheel for most of it but let third open too much of a gap to second before i moved up to close it. ended up 3rd, not bad for a first attempt. good fun.

Last up, a 15 lap points race. Went hard early, jagged the win in the first sprint, let the others have the fun for the second one and then worked hard to finish second in the final sprint. 9 points, winner!

Hopefully some bigger gears arrive at the bike shop for me this week, looking to rip it up again on tuesday night. see you all soon!!

PS, hell pizza is awesome!