06 November 2008

Feeling fitter

A spectacular sunset seen from the bridge at UQ. Thank god we finally have the bike side to ourselves again.

Hey! All this high threshold track riding i have been doing lately seems to be making me fitter. Went for a quick hour on the roadie this evening with Rishy, needed to get away from study for a bit, and felt really good. Legs had plenty of snap crackle and pop, and i felt like attacking every little hill i came to. Might have to find a quick hour on the weekend to go and attack mt gravatt a few times. Uni has been chewing up all the enthusiasm lately, but not long to go now.

Speaking of uni, Mi Goreng noodles are the ultimate student food, 50cents a packet, taste good, and with two slices of bread make for a great snack. All you kids out there finishing school and moving out to share accomodation with your uni mates, remember, a loaf of bread on special for a dollar, and five pack of noodles for two fifty, and a box of goon will see you through till payday, most of the time. And goon sacks can be inflated and used as pillows when you forget where you live, hooray!! Good luck to all of you finishing school and heading out into the big wide world, be responsible (or at least have one sober person in the group to talk you out of the stuff that will get you killed), don't take drugs, and above all have fun!! (and you won't be able to outdrink your old uncle hillbilly so don't even try declan)


Craig Storey said...

You should see if Mi Goreng noodles will sponsor you!

Hillbilly said...

Ha, i very much doubt it. I'll quickly learn indonesian and ask them!

Declan. said...

Hahaha! Love it mate. Last day of classes today!!!! Then exams. Ill never outdrink you. No bodyfat on me.
Great udea Craig ;) Team Mi Goreng.

Declan. said...

Oh yeah, beer is better

Hillbilly said...

beer is indeed better, but goon is far cheaper...

Brad Toomeys Cycling Journey said...

HIT UP THE GOON SPINS, good luck if you can keep it down lol, can I be in this TEAM Mi Goreng?

Declan. said...

New spono just jumped on for the upcoming National Series and Champs.
Team Mi Goreng for the win. ;)