07 November 2008

Noodles for beginners

OK, there seems to be some interest in team Mi Goreng (not to be confused with Chinese emperor Nasi Goreng), so here is a beginners guide to enjoying Mi Goreng noodles.

Step 1.
Add water to a saucepan, bring to boil

Step 2
Open a packet of Mi Goreng noodles, and take out the sauce and flavouring pouches.

Step 3

If you are really hungry you can have more than one serving of delicious Mi Goreng noodles at a time.

Place the noodles into the water, and discard the packaging responsibly.

Step 4

Pour the dry flavourings into a bowl

Step 6

Add the liquid oils and flavours to the bowl with the dry flavours. Beginners beware, Mi Goreng chilli sauce is quite hot.

Step 7

Mix the flavourings together.

Step 8
Once the noodles have been boiling for a minute or so, give them a stir to make sure they are soft and ready to eat. Then carefully drain the excess water from the noodles and add the noodles to the bowl with the sauces.

Step 9

Stir the sauce through the noodles

Step 10

Best enjoyed with chopsticks. Hooray!!!

1 comment:

jaman said...

Thanks for the cooking tips mate. I am a hopeless cook. Gotta try this one out! real cyclist's food!