15 June 2008

Week 2 in review

Week 2.  I haven't done as much as i should have.  However:

monday 35k road
tuesday 70k road
This ride on tuesday was hard.  I felt terrible, very slow, kind of like i had 'pants on my head'.  My body was telling me i really needed a rest for a day (or more likely two).  i had done something like 260 in four days though, so it was rest time for me.  Work and uni also enforced a break on me, meaning i didnt get back on the bike until saturday morning.  
Saturday 48k road
Sunday 45k road

so all told for the week, 198k.  i should have done more.  feeling quite good now though, and will be doing a couple of decent rides early this week coming, then it's taper time for the 24 hour next weekend.  That should be good.  

I'm also going to keep a running total of the number of kilometres i do between now and august, just for my amusement.  currently that total stands at 471k on the road, and 65 on the MTB.  Exam week now, so back to work!

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