10 January 2009

We're back!!

Well after a long time off, i'm back. Uni has been dealt with (hooray) so no more of that. Unfortunately i ate and drank way too much over christmas, so i'm way out of shape. Guess i need more training.

Raced track last night, great fun. Didn't do any good, but had a great time. Attacking solo on lap one of the 24 lap points race to try and steal a lap, awesome. getting half a lap up on the field, epic. running out of steam and getting spat out the back at half distance, worth it for the solo breakaway glory!

I've also decided to hit up the crit circuits, so once i get my roadie sorted out i'm going to give that a whirl. sounds like fun. plus i'm sure i can find some mountain bike races to hit up well.

In other hectic fun wicked news, i'll be getting back into flying this week. That i am very much looking forward to, although i'm a little nervous about it, having not flown in 18 months. i guess its like riding a bike though (a big 1000kilo complicated bike that flies!!)

Hope everyone had a great christmas and new year!!

1 comment:

Russell Worthington said...

Great to hear you're back on the bike, and in the air. Just remember, what goes up, needn't come down with a thud;)

Safe travels Mitch.